Potential Food Choking Hazards for Babies

January 30, 2020      -   

If your baby shows an interest in finger foods before the age of one, feel free to begin this fun (and messy) phase—but be sure to stay away from these potential choking hazards:

Hot dogs or sausages (unless cut into noodle-like strips and then again into ½-inch chunks)


Whole grapes (okay if chopped in half)

Whole Grapes

Cherry tomatoes (tomatoes of any size usually aren’t introduced until after baby’s first birthday because of their acidity)

Cherry Tomatoes



Chunks of hard cheese (okay if chopped into very small pieces)

Hard Cheese

White bread (unlike whole-grain bread, white bread can be very mushy and can stick to the roof of baby’s mouth and back of his throat, making it difficult to swallow)

White Bread

Raisins and other sticky, dried fruits


Hard, raw vegetables such as carrots, apples, celery, broccoli, and cauliflower

