The Spirit of M`barikiwa

M`barikiwa provides Bible-based and Christ-centered audiovisual resources aimed at inspiring and educating all spiritually interested people around the world. Our main purpose is to proclaim the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ in order to hasten and to prepare the world for His imminent Second Coming. In view of this, M`barikiwa upholds the following set of principles regarding the materials that we make available:

  1. Materials should promote doctrines, theology, principles and values that have been established through a careful, thorough study of the Bible by trustworthy, experienced and godly people.
  2. Materials should aƒrm the Bible as reflected by the stated beliefs.
  3. Materials should promote the reality that victory over sin is possible through the believer’s dependence on the grace and power of Jesus Christ.
  4. Materials should promote lifestyle and behavioral choices that are in harmony with principles from Scripture.
  5. Materials should represent the historical-grammatical/historical-Biblical method of Biblical interpretation along with the historicist method of prophetic interpretation rather than futurism, preterism, higher criticism, or other unacceptable hermeneutics.
  6. Materials should predominantly appeal to the mind and reason, rather than the speculative or sensational; neither hype, an unwarranted excitement, nor extra-Biblical predictions about the future, are acceptable.
  7. Materials should represent a balanced and disciplined view of Scripture that reflects the entirety of these inspired writings. We do not advocate the overemphasis of one aspect to the exclusion of other equally important aspects nor do we condone viewpoints that extend beyond the proper application of Biblical principles.
  8. Materials should seek to provide lessons from church history rather than revising or criticizing it to the detriment of our doctrines or teachings.
  9. Materials are not to seek to tarnish or vilify the reputations of individuals or institutions.
  10. Materials should be completely truthful. Dishonesty or anything that is intentionally misleading is unacceptable.
  11. Materials should be delivered in a spirit of reverence, respect, and humility, recognizing that they represent the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We reject an attitude that is spiteful, arrogant, vulgar, irreverent, flippant, frivolous, demeaning, or otherwise unChrist-like.
  12. Materials should be from presenters who are associated with organizations or groups who uphold and represent the above-described spirit of Mbarikiwa ministry.